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I was Module Leader for three academic years in a University business collaborative program between Staffordshire University (UK) and Chengdu University of Technology (China). 

I designed and delivered the following modules to 400 students every year: 1) Accounting, 2) Business Project Management, 3) Managing Organizations and 4) Business Environment. I taught two modules each semester.  


Art in Silver is a Jewelery Designer with Headquarters in Barcelona Spain, and offices in Shenzhen, China. It is one of the leading brands of silver jewelery in Spain with more than 20 years in the market. In 2011 they started their store franchise concept. I helped them monitoring their implementation in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Also, I helped them in their business plan for develop the franchise concept in international markets.


J. Martorell was a company located in Barcelona, Spain, leader in agribusiness machinery. The company closed it´s activities in 2009, after almost 100 year history  In 2007 they started producing some of their products in China, although the financial crisis in Spain hit their traditional markets and the company could not recover. Our relation with the ex-owners is still very good and  we keep in contact in personal basis 

Rubbermold,S.L. is a company located in Viladecans, Spain, and produces technical rubber moulded articles for the all industrial purposes, specially for both automotive and household industry.It was founded in 1965, and has well known international clientes (i.e.- Hutchinson) as well as national (i.e.- RENFE a state-owned passenger and freight rail transport operator overseen by the Ministerio de Fomento). I helped them to find suitable suppliers in order to outsource the production for several specific kinds of moulds.

Indesign Group has it´s headquarters in Barcelona, Spain, with offices also in several countries. It offers customized service packages and high quality turnkey solutions at competitive prices, combining its extensive experience in interior design with its unique knowledge of consumer trends and needs. indesign is also the official and exclusive distributor for a few highly reputable and established international shopfitting brands. I help them in their plans in China, looking for suppliers and clients.

SHIFTVIEW architecture is the brand created by the joint venture between the architectural offices Arquitectura y Tecnología Integrada S.L.P. and Ateqma arquitectura S.L.P. to promote their services in the foreign markets. The organization has it´s headquartes in Madrid, Spain.

I helped them in their project to access the Chinese market, incorporating a subsidiary in Chengdu and monitoring its development.

Overseas Education School is directly managed by Sichuan University, the School offers both one year foundation programme and 3 years credits transferring programme to Chinese high school graduates who intend to pursue their bachelors' degree in foreign countries.

I gave to their students several lectures covering topics relateded with financing and accounting.

I was involved in several projects regarding the Pig Farming Sector in China, including farm design, swine insemination, swine diet and swine manure treatment (biogas plants to produce electricity among other options). I contacted several companies in Spain leaders in their fields, and offered in China their products and services.

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